
A. Transmission Line Works

  • Replacement of 230KV Overhead Transmission Line at King Saud Street Intersection, Dammam – Contract No. 33005/05.
  • Replacement of 230KV Transmission Lines Insulators with new Polymer Composite Type Insulators – Contract No. 33003/05.
  • Replacement of Insulators in JIC and Juaymah – Contract No. 33006/04.
  • Replacement of Ceramic Insulatos with Silicon Rubber for Dhahran Central Aziziah and Thuqba Aziziyah 230KV Lines – Contract No. 33005/03.
  • Relocation of Portions of Existing 115KV Transmission Lines at Hafar Al-Batin – Contract No. 81615/00.
  • Construction of 115KV Transmission Line from Mahaseen BSP to SANG Sub-station – Contract No. 7005/1418.
  • Construction of 69KV Transmission Line from Dhahran 230/69KV Sub-Station to KAAB 69/13.8KV Sub-station – Contract No. 1930802.
  • Abu-Ganiman 115/13.8KV Sub-station and Associated loop-in-and-out of existing 115KV Mahaseen 230KV Sub-station – AL-Hameediyah 115/13.8KV Transmission Line.
  • B . Power Distribution Network Line Works:

    • Maintenance of Distribution Networks Medium Voltage up to 33 KV and Low Voltage, Najraran – Contract No. 40742059/00.
    • The Unified Contract for Overhead and Underground Distribution Networks upto 36KV in Al-Baha Area – Contract No. 40741098/00.
    • Washing Powerline Insulator – Contract No. 30532140/00.
    • Maintenance of Telecommunication Equipment and Teleprotection Signalling Equipment at Qassim Area – Contract No. 10532145/00
    • Construction, Maintenance, Expansion and Reinformcement of HV and LV Overhead Distribution Networks up to 35 KV at Arrar, Dammam and Jizan – Contract No. 30541028/00, 30541011/00, 40542003/00.
    • Construction. Maintenance, Expansion and Reinforcement of HV & LV Underground Distribution Netwoprks up to 35 KV at Jizan, Al-Baha and Tihama – Contract No. 40542014/00.
    • Maintenance of Distribution Medium up to 33 KV and Low Voltage – Contract No. 40442058/00.
    • Installation of Distribution Network Overhead and Underground LV 13.8 to 33KV at Jizan, Al-Baha and Tihama – Contract No. 40341134/00.
    • Construction and Maintenance of Underground and Overhead distribution System in Dammam Operating Area () DOA) – Contract No. 86374/00.
    • Expansion and Reinforcemnet of the Distribution System at Hafar Al-Batin (NOA) – Contract No. 84193/00.
    • Expansion, Reinforcement Maintenance of electrical Network and Provide Power supply to the Customer in the Fourth Operating Area – Contract No. 84197/00.
    • Construction and Maintanance of Underground and Overhead Distribution System in Dammam Operating Area (DOA) – Contract No. 86355/00.
    • Expansion and Reinforcement of the Distribution System in Northern Operating Area, Nariyah – Contract No. 84167/00.
    • System Expansion and Reinforcement Work for underground and Overhead Services in Hafar Al-Batin – Contract No. 84152/00
    • Construction and Maintenance of Underground and Overhead Distribution System in Dammam Operating Area – Contract No. 86281/00, 86300/00, 86316/00.
    • Construction and Maintenance of Underground and Overhead Distribution System in Dammam Operating Area – Contract No. 86325/00
    • Construction of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Sweet Water Systems at Sect-Dammam – Contract No. 82187/00.
    • Construction of Structural Pads, Access and Approach Roads – Contract No. 81842/00.
    • Construction of De-Mineralized Water Tan at BSP, Khobar – Contract No. 83358/00.
    • Suply and Installation of Car lifter – Contract No. 83231/00.
    • Construction of Part of Existing Mosque and Construcion of Mosque – Contract No. 82034/00.
    • Salwa Power Plant Operating Center and Camp – Contract No. 81419/00.
    • Construction of Water Tower at SCECO Central Yard – Contract No. 81419/00.
    • Fuel Conversion and Diesel Fuel Unlading Facility at Qaisukah Power Plant – Contract No. 82462/00.
    • Construction of 13.8KV Distribution System, Jubail – Contract No.84077/00.
    • Maintenance of Right of Way Roads, Dammam, Power Plant, Dhahran – Contract No.81339/00.
    • Erection of Distribution Sub-Station Work – Contract No. 86271/00.
    • Removal of Sand Debris from Substation and Access Road in Al-Hasa Operation Area – 81773/00
    • Madina, Abqaiq Home Owners Distribution System – Jubail – Contract No.80702/00.
    • Electrification of Al-Ufairia and Al-Qawarnma Villages in Makkah Area – Contract No. 20541104/00.
    • Supply and installation and Commissioning of Fuel Pipe Line at Jazan Power Plant – Contract No. 40622/00.


    • Construction of Overhead Power Line for Sabkah 83 at Shybah Field – Contract No. 6510393577.
    • Construction of Cathodic Protection and Overhead Power Line for Sabkah 24 & 40 at Shybah Field – Contract No. 6510365188.
    • Construction of Cathodic Protection and Overhead Power Line for SDGM-704 at Shedgaum- Contract No. 6510389115.
    • Construction of Overhead Power Line for NYYM -38 & 41 at Nayyim- Contract No. 6510378965.
    • Cathodic Protection and Overhead Power Line Installation at UTMN-1849, 1834, 1681, and SDGM-467 Wells – Contact No. 6510334168.
    • Cathodic Proection and Overhead Power Line Installation at SDGM 561, 562 & ABQ 530 Oil Wells – Contract No. 6510320491.
    • Installation of Testing and Monitoring Facilities at Riyadh Refinery for Cathodic Protection – Contract No. 6600011139.
    • Install ESD Modification, Uthmaniyah Gas Plant Sulphur Train #3 – Contract No. 6600011139.
    • OSP Construction at Pump Stations # 2 and 3- Contract No. 6600007908.
    • Cathodic Protection Services, Southern Area – Contract No. 6400052123.
    • Install ESD Modification, Uthmaniyah Gas Plant Sulphur Train # 2 – Contract No. 6510018611.
    • Replacement of CP Depleted Anode Beds at Various Locations – Contract No. 400611/005.
    • Cathodic Protection and Solar Power System Works at Midyan 1,2 & 3 Well Site – Contract No. 400606/026.
    • South Administration Building Underground Utilities, Dhahran – Contract No. 45052/00.
    • Power Supply for Material Supply, Building, New Switchgear – Contract No. 37583/00.
    • Standby Didesel Generator at Mazaliz and Abu Jifan- Contract No. 37756/00.
    • Cathodic Protection System Eastern Distribution Plants – Contract No. 45917/00.
    • Cathodic Protection System – Central Distribution - Contract No. 45818/00.
    • Central Distribution Refuelers and Shelters and Various Upgrades- Contract No. 45671/00.
    • Re-Rounting of Undergournd Oil at Desalination Control room at Jeddah Refinery – Contract No. 72298/00.
    • Security Fencing and Lightning at Dhahran Tank Farm – Contract No. 40183/00.
    • Construct I & M Building at Pump Station Nos. 3 & 6 East West Pipelines – Contract No. 37786/00.
    • HF Receiver Site Fence Replacement at Dhahran Beach – Contract No. 90029/00.
    • Upgrade Sewage System Pump Staion at 6 East West Pipelines – Contact No. 40076/00.
    • Upgrade Sewage System Pump Station # 3 East West Pipelines – Contract No. 40013/oo.
    • Upgrade Perimeter Fencing AND Lightning at Uthmaniyah Store yard – Contract No. 400550/018.
    • Communication OSP Cable Facilities Installation – Contact No. 42016/00.
    • Tennis Court Renovation and Construction at East West Pipelines – Contract No. 29393/00.
    • Construction of Dallah Road Main Gate – Contract No. 29393/00.
    • House Sewer Connections Increment V-West Al-Khobar – Contract No. 29404/00.
    • House Sewer Connection Increment at X,XI,XIII at Al-Khobar – Contract No. 29382/00.
    • Sewer Lateral Extensions South Dammam Increment XIII & IV – Contract No. 29345/00.
    • Construction of Access Road and Sand Stabilization – Contract No. 19003/00.
    • Supplemental Effluent Storage Pond Phase 621 – Contract No. 29295/00.
    • Six Fences in Drill Sites in Qatif Field Phase 200 – Contract No. 28353/00.
    • Six Tennis Courts and Two Half Courts Practice Area – Contract No. 29160/00.
    • Reservation Fence at Tanajib – Contract No. 28148/00
    • Water Deliveries Area # 3 East West Pipe Lines.
    • On-going Projects

      A. Saudi ARAMCO On-going Projects

      • Cable Installation and electrical Services for Western Region – Contract No. 6600016792.
      • Work Unit Rate Contract for SCADA/RTU and Communications to Maintain Potential Projects – Contract No. 6600019474.
      • Replace Existing East West Pipeline Pump Station UPS system – Contract No. 6410411573.
      • East West Pipeline Surge Relief Communication Links – Contract No. 6510423644.
      • CP & Power Supply for Oil Well ANDR-570, 601 and SDGM-5374 – Contract No. 6510463010.
      • Install overhead Power Lines and CP for MDRK-35, TINT-33 and NJYN-18 – Contract No. 6510463499.
      • 7 RTUs Replacement on SHY -1 Pipelines – Contract No. 6510423274.

      B. Saudi Electricity Co On-going Projects

      • The Unified Contract for Overhead and Underground Distribution Networks upto 36KV in Najran Area – Contract No. 40741090/00.
      • The Unified Contract for Overhead and Underground Distribution Networks upto 36KV in Jizan Area – Contract No. 40741094/00.
      • The Unified Contract for Overhead and Underground Distribution Networks upto 36KV in Dammam Area – Contract No. 30841067/00
      • The Unified Contract for Overhead and Underground Distribution Networks upto 36KV in Arar Area – Contract No. 30841039/00
      • Replacement of 380 KV Porcelain Insulators for GHAZLAN – FAHDILI Lines - Contract No. 31031073/00.

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